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October Journal | Our Prairie Nest
October Journal

October was such an eventful month, that I’m ready for hibernation. 🙂 I spent as much time as I could gathering petition signatures in hopes of initiating a recall election in the Plattsmouth School District, while also balancing fun Halloween events, gaming sessions, and a little bit of time for myself. I have more to say about the ongoing situation with book banning in another post.


In October, I made the mistake of finishing House of Sky & Breath, which means now I have to wait until January for the next book. ARGH. The ending has a tie-in to the ACOTAR series, so… now I wait. Fortunately, I spent most of October reading Iron Widow by Xiran Jay  Zhao and wow! That book was fantastic. I absolutely loved it. I will definitely read the sequel, Heavenly Tyrant, when it releases next year.


During the month of October, I returned my attention to Stay Gothy, a pattern by Grandma Be Wildin. She’s an adorable goth rendition of the Morton’s Salt Girl. Ta da! She’s so cute! I may change one little aspect of the pattern, but other than that, I am stitching as called for.

The fabric is Picture this Plus 14 count Aida in Dawn and, I have to say, the pictures of it online make it look much more green. That was the whole reason I originally purchased it, because I thought it would be fantastic for the Ouija Board stitch. But, no, it’s much more blue in person and it’s pretty, but it just didn’t scream Ouija to me. However, it’s perfect for Stay Gothy. I intend to stitch until it’s complete, since I don’t have any Yule or Christmas patterns. I’m not really a “Christmas stitcher” anyway, as much as I am an autumn, Halloween, goth, pop culture, and witchy stitcher. That said, if the right pattern came along, I would certainly go for it.

Stay Gothy by GrandmaBeWildin | Our Prairie Nest


We had a character death in Cyberpunk Red and it was so sad. Our Medtech died. Honestly, I’m surprised the rest of us didn’t die, too, because we were on an extremely difficult mission. It was a hard loss because, besides the character being the one to patch us up after battle, he was just a good dude. Naturally, the player made another character for the next session, but when you have a character death, you don’t just carry on without acknowledging it. The end of the session and the following session are usually a time of mourning, tying up the deceased character’s loose ends, and informing next of kin, if any. A new character is usually introduced at the appropriate time, whether in the next session or another down the road.

Genesys is also going well, though I feel like we aren’t following the story threads all the way to their ends just yet. We got sidetracked by fae and those aren’t easy to deal with. 

My D&D campaign is moving ahead and I’m very excited to play tonight (since I’m finishing this post on a Saturday). Because, speaking of threads, it’s time to pull a few together and see how it all goes down!


I didn’t see anything new in October. However, I also had very little time to plop on the couch and watch TV or movies. On the last Saturday night in October, I carved pumpkins while my daughter watched the new Haunted Mansion. I only caught bits and pieces of it, but it was a nice balance of a little bit creepy and very sweet. Rowan really enjoyed it.


We went to Bloom Where You’re Planted in Avoca with our Spiral Scouts circle. That is our family’s favorite pumpkin patch and, honestly, the only one I’ll visit. There is another one nearby, but it’s overpriced, crowded, and far too kitschy. Bloom Where You’re Planted has a more relaxed vibe to it, and I love the vintage aesthetic they cultivate, along with the pumpkins. It was a cool day, but the timing was perfect for some fall fun and picking pumpkins fresh from the patch!

I also have gotten involved in volunteering as a part of the PTO at my daughter’s school, which meant decorating for their Halloween event the last Friday of the month. In addition to the candy from that event, Rowan really enjoyed going trick or treat not once, but twice with friends. All in all, October went by too fast for me and I’m looking forward to a slower pace in November.

July Journal | Our Prairie Nest
July Journal

July was less busy than June, which was nice. Though I still felt like I had quite a bit happening. Part of that is because I don’t think I’ve gotten a Sunday at home to relax after the blur that is Friday evening through Saturday night. It would be really nice to have a whole weekend at home, but Sunday usually involves going to Spiral Scouts, which is important, or swimming on the weeks we don’t have Scout meetings, which is something I do for Rowan. 


In July, I read my favorite book so far this year, and that was Fourth Wing. Yes, I know, I know. Practically everyone loves this book and with good reason. It has dragons, a cutthroat academy where the main character is well aware she doesn’t belong, intrigue, and romance. It kept me invested throughout and I can’t wait to read the sequel.


I still worked my way through Summer Quaker by Lila’s Studio and finished the entire top row of pages of the pattern, so it’s more than 1/3 complete. While I would love to finish it before Labor Day, while it’s “in season,” I’m not going to be disappointed if I don’t make it there. I will probably pick up another of my projects to complete, because I have too many WIPs for my personal taste – 4 or 5, I believe. I’m usually like to work on one, finish it, and then do the next. But so many patterns caught my eye this year that I got caught up in the excitement of starting them. 


D&D 5e is still happening once or twice a month, which suits me fine for now. I want to make some improvements to my world’s cities, towns, and villages before the next session.

The Genesys campaign hit a lovely moment with one of the characters being knighted, and the Cyberpunk Red game is so much fun! 


As with June, I haven’t watched many shows or movies. Though one of the Fridays after work when I didn’t have any other commitments, I came home, flopped on the couch, and re-watched The King’s Speech while I cross-stitched. That was a lovely, cozy couple of hours. 


At the end of the month, one of my partners brought us to OCon Expo, which is the comic con in Omaha and Council Bluffs. We had fun and I met the co-creator behind my favorite comic book series, West Coast Avengers, which had my favorite hero, Mockingbird. I’m not the kind of comic fan who tends to know writers and artists. I am well aware of some of them, and whose styles I like and whose I don’t (for example, the Chris Claremont/Jim Lee pairing in the early 90s, yes. John Byrne drawing Wonder Woman, no). But I don’t dig deeper than visuals and I was about 12 when I started reading WCA, compared to being a teenager when X-Men #1 came out in 1991. So I didn’t pay attention to writers and artists. I just knew that I adored Mockingbird.

I had no idea one of the co-creators was from and lived in Nebraska, let alone that I was going to see him that weekend. Man, I had no chill. I went completely fangirl at this poor guy. He set into a motion a comic book series that not only featured a hero I appreciated – a normal, everyday woman with no special powers – but also one that had strong conflict and deeply personal storylines. So I couldn’t stop thanking him once I got talking to him.

July was quieter than June, for the most part. Now that school starts in a little over a week, I’m looking forward to getting back into that routine. Not the waking up early part, of course, but the rest of it. I’m ready for summer to drift into autumn, and bring on the cooler, cozier days. 

May Journal | Our Prairie Nest
May Journal

May was an interesting whirlwind of activity. I kept much busier than I expected, probably due to the unexpected. We had a school board member in the town where I live – but, thankfully, not for the school my daughter attends – decide to unilaterally remove “controversial” books from the shelves of the middle and high school libraries. It’s easy enough to learn more about her and her Christo-fascist agenda. She doesn’t hide it at all and she’s probably proud of it.

I attended the school board meeting at the beginning of the month to protest the decision, as did many other people, especially students, in the community. Even her own adult son stood up to tell everyone what a terrible human being she is and how hateful she is to anyone who is gay, like him. A few people spoke in favor of removing the books, all with the belief that they are “protecting children.” At this time, the person has gotten her way, which is really unfortunate. I don’t believe in imposing an agenda on anyone, but that is what this person is determined to do.

I trust and support librarians. School librarians have the education and training to select material that is appropriate for students to read. If a person does not want their child to read certain books, then it should be up to the parent to monitor their child’s reading habits and perhaps speak to the librarian. But it is not acceptable for someone to decide what everyone’s children may or may not access at public school libraries.

Public schools should be preparing our children for the world by teaching them critical thinking and providing a wide range of materials that introduce them to various perspectives. Exposure to a variety of ideas and points of view allows children to develop and articulate their own ideas and perspectives, and explain their reasoning. But some people fear children thinking for themselves. That’s what private schools are for, though. 😛


I read Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson. Normally, I don’t read mysteries, but I heard about this from a Youtuber I enjoy watching. It was funny and twisted, and I quite enjoyed it.


In May, I started a trio of landscapes, but also ordered Summer Quaker by Lila’s Studio. At first, I was going to wait until completing one of the landscapes to start it. But then I was going to wait until July, then June, and now
 Well, I couldn’t help but start it! I don’t know if I can complete it by the end of the summer. That seems like a lofty goal, so we’ll see how far I get.


I had fun with the latest session of my D&D 5e campaign, putting the characters through a little puzzle dungeon with a ghost, family relics, and treasure. We’ll see how the next session goes as they reluctantly attend a ball.

The Genesys campaign is fun so far. It started off with some good old fashioned cultists, long lost artifacts, and a wacky wizard – all the makings of a classic adventure.


I watched The School for Good and Evil on Netflix, because I enjoyed the book when I read it a few years ago. The movie was surprisingly good. I definitely recommend it!

Doing my best to keep up with Critical Role, as well. Not much else on my list of shows or movies to watch at this time. Obviously, the writers’ strike impacts upcoming seasons of shows, but everyone has a right to a fair and livable wage. So I’m content to live without new TV shows and movies. Some things are more important.


May started with 4th Grade field trip to the capitol building, Memorial Stadium, and Morrill Hall. I enjoyed all of the sites.

We had the privilege of sitting the gallery at the capitol just as Machaela Cavanaugh spoke against LB574. Unfortunately, the legislature did pass LB574, which is a bill that denies gender-affirming care to minors in Nebraska. In addition, a “12-week” abortion ban was added at the 11th hour. But if the Christo-fascists in Nebraska think women or transgender youth are just going to roll over and take it, they better think again.

This isn’t white cis-het middle-aged man land anymore, and everyone is going to need to learn not just to accept that, but also how to live with their non-Christian, non-straight, non-cis neighbors.

The month ended with a trip to Sioux Falls which is beautiful, as always. I like seeing the falls themselves, as well as visiting the Game Chest. If you ever go to Sioux Falls, that is the best gaming store to visit. There are other gaming stores there, of course, and everyone is very welcoming. However, Amanda, the owner of the Game Chest, is so personable and has so much passion for what she does that you don’t want to miss stopping by there.

We also hit up Pave, which was a little too crowded. It has a neat ambiance, but the Guinness was disappointing. Then we went to Wiley’s, which was fantastic. It felt like a place straight out of the mid-90s. I loved their hot pretzels. Perfect for a 10 p.m. snack! I hope to visit again soon. We also went to the Full Circle Book Co-Op for the first time, and left with literary goodness.

All in all, May was a good month, and it gave me a lot of food for thought. I think the major takeaway for me with the book banning and passing of LB574 is that those things don’t magically make us – the LGBTQ+ community, women, and non-Christian people – magically stop existing. People can try to invalidate us, but they can’t make us cease to be. And maybe that’s what upset them so much. Maybe that’s what they’re afraid of.

So, I feel inspired to continue to fight for the right of all humans to exist regardless of gender identity, sexual identity, or religious identity. Furthermore, I’d rather be loud and proud about my sexual and religious identities, and ignore the scared, ignorant, small-minded few who can’t handle the basic facts of life – that not everyone is the same.

April Journal | Our Prairie Nest
April Journal

April ought to be when spring really sets in, and it sort of has… Cooler days have remained but everything is getting greener and greener. I’m grateful for the cool nights, because I sleep so much better when I’m not too warm.

This month was busy, especially at the end. I helped out at the elementary school carnival and joined a second Saturday TTRPG campaign.

My nana passed away on April 29, which wasn’t unexpected due to her age and illness. She was 93, and had Covid pneumonia. My mom was incredible about contacting everyone, facilitating phone calls with Nana while she was hospitalized, and keeping us updated on her condition. Everything happened very quickly and, to agree with my mom, I am at peace with this.


I read A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross and had high hopes for it. The story had a lot of potential and I enjoyed the main character. Or who I thought would be the main character. Unfortunately, there was constant head hopping, which was distracting and made it a frustrating read. There will probably be a sequel, but I won’t be reading it.

The Grace of Wild Things by Heather Fawcett was a super cute and cozy middle grade story about an orphan girl who also happens to be a witch. Be warned that it is an obvious and blatant rewrite of Anne of Green Gables. However, I still found it well worth reading.

I finally finished Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. I definitely prefer the movie version, as the book is a slow-paced and muddled attempt at a whimsical, slightly romantic adventure. There are more books in the series, but I won’t be reading them.

Last, but not least, I read Flowerheart by Catherine Bakewell. This is a cute YA novel about a girl whose witchcraft doesn’t listen to her. I wanted more from the story on certain plot points, because I really enjoyed it. Because of what it left hanging – and how quickly things were wrapped up – it felt unfinished, in a way. Almost like a first draft. Maybe the author will write a sequel and elaborate on those points in the future. I’ve got my fingers crossed for one.


In April, I finished Tequila by Stitchrovia and I think it is gorgeous! I highly recommend her patterns, because they are beautiful. Most of her patterns are elaborate word art, and the kinds of stitches that give you a sense of accomplishment very quickly. This was a gift for someone who has a bright, vibrant, fun personality. I just knew when I saw the pattern that it fit her.

Tequila by Stitchrovia | Our Prairie Nest

I am now working on a trio of landscapes that I would like to hang in my living room.


My D&D 5e campaign has arrived on another continent. The characters are delving a little bit into one’s past and family (and, of course, issues), as well as the politics of his homeland and the overarching concerns about the entire world. I’m looking forward to the next session or two, and seeing how things pan out for them as some threads continue and they pick up others.

We also started a campaign using the Genesys system. It’s fun to play a character again, but having two games – one in the morning and one in the evening – makes for busy Saturdays.


Critical Role has been pretty interesting since the Solstice episode, with the party split. I really love seeing Aabria Iyengar in the cast. She’s someone I feel like I would enjoy hanging out with, ya know?

I also finally decided to watch The Crown, which I started years ago but didn’t stay interested enough in to even finish the first episode at the time. Of course, it’s highly fictionalized. We don’t know what happens behind closed palace doors. But, whatever the show is doing for me, that’s the vibe I seem to be into right now.

My son also really wanted me to see The Greatest Showman, so we watched it together. What a fun, triumphant movie. I’ve been listening to the soundtrack nearly every day since, except this past weekend (nothing about my nana’s passing made me want to burst out into song, which I’m sure is understandable). I would definitely watch it again.


April was the only month, so far, that we didn’t go anywhere out of the ordinary. Our Spiral Scouts circle had a field trip to Morrill Hall planned, but we decided not to join them for that since the 4th Grade field trip is also going there. This was fine with me, because some of my weekends seemed so packed with gaming or running Rowan to and/or picking her up from a friend’s house, that I was perfectly content to relax on the sofa with cross-stitching and The Crown as often as possible.

All in all, the month was good until the end. Saying goodbye to Nana was the hardest thing I’ve done in a long time. One of the last things I told her was that she has always been an important person in my life. She is the one who taught me to cross-stitch and I like to think that means I’m carrying something even more significant than her DNA with me.

Nana and siblings | Our Prairie Nest
Nana (2nd from right) and her siblings